Wedding Wire’s Sonny Ganguly is a widely acclaimed expert speaking on marketing and strategy.
At its core, advertising is the accepted method for reaching a mass audience with a sales pitch that explains 1) what is being offered, and 2) why the consumer should buy it. As most entrepreneurs get their training in salesmanship on the fly, they typically launch a new enterprise with business cards and brochures, and then add other forms of traditional and online advertising later on. Most small business operators have a good understanding of advertising, but they often undersize the bigger picture: Marketing.

Using traditional marketing and online exposure, Dennis Marentette was able to build a strong market brand. At PBX2018 Dennis will share what made him successful in difficult market.
If you take a retrospective look back (via You Tube) at how companies advertised in the ‘50s and ‘60s, you’ll find the approach, particularly on the local level, was more about product and price and less about benefits or building a “trusted relationship” with the customer. The goal of Marketing is precisely that: to attract new customers, build relationships and keep them coming back.

Coming from careers as Promoter, DJ and Digital Marketer, Jordan St. Jacques is uniquely qualified to discuss how photo booth operators can use digital tools & processes to leapfrog the competition and book more gigs.
Marketing Is A Four-Legged Beast
The first leg is PRODUCT. In the Photo Booth business, the product is the service of offering Photo Booths a various events. But it goes way beyond that. Photo Booth operators are an exceptionally creative group of business people. Using the basic ingredients of a camera, printer, computer(s), software, and touch screen, Photo Booth designers and manufacturers have created hundreds of unique ways for Photo Booth professionals to wow their customers. The Photo Booth Expo, held annually in Las Vegas, is the international showcase for the latest in Photo Booth technology. It is where Photo Booth operators from around the world gather to get the scoop on what’s new, and discover how they can best incorporate it into their business.

Justin Miler is one of the leading experts on marketing and sales management in the wedding, event, and entertainment industries.
The second leg of marketing is PRICE. How much you charge for your service is somewhat relative to the pricing structure of your competitors. As you evaluate the “going rates” for Photo Booths in your area, pay close attention to what each company offers. Your objective—assuming you are in this for the long haul—is to command the highest-price possible. To do that, you need to provide better service and quality than the others.
The third leg is an easy one. DISTRIBUTION. For businesses, figuring out how to deliver their product to the customer is the biggest challenge, but not with Photo Booths. You just load it in your car, truck and van and drive there. “Nuff said on that one.
At the end of the chain comes PROMOTION. With so much emphasis now placed on web-based advertising and content marketing, the challenge is staying current with the trends. To help Photo Booth operators sharpen their skills as promoters, the Photo Booth Expo presents an extensive track of seminars by skilled and experienced marketing professionals.
For the 2018 Photo Booth Expo in March (11-14), The Photo Booth Expo team has been working with the Photo Booth Association to create a program that focuses tightly on marketing concepts and ideas that small-business owners can take back and implement immediately. To learn more about who is speaking and the topics they are covering, visit https://photoboothexpo.com/seminar_presenters/