The best photos are often the ones that the guests take with their own cameras and phones. Even with a staff of photographers and a photo booth, some of the coolest shots and silliest selfies get missed. With Tic-Tac-Tag, photos that party guests post to Instagram or Twitter will be downloaded and printed, as long as they use the unique hashtag for the wedding or event. Guests can post their pictures anytime from anywhere in the venue and have their photos printed out automatically in seconds. After the event or wedding, the host and guests can look back and see what their friends and family shared just by searching the special hashtag.
Simple 3-steps process
1. Guests take a photo from their phone…
2. They post on Instagram or Twitter with the event #hashtag (public account)..
3. They pick up their photo from Tic-Tac-Tag as they print out automatically within 30 seconds
With Tic-Tac-Tag, there’s no waiting in line to use the photo booth. It’s a great incentive for guests to use the hashtag and it makes finding the photos after the event easy to find online. In addition, it gives hosts the option in getting creative with selfie stations or having multiple photo spots around their event venue. It’s great for social media marketing and for event / experiential marketing. Check out Tic-Tac-Tag at the 2018 Photo Booth Expo in Las Vegas!