Do You Really Want To Put Pricing On Your Website?

Breakthrough Marketing has created marketing campaigns for event companies for more than three decades. We get a common question, which in this internet age has evolved into this: “Should we put prices on our website?”

It depends on a number of factors, but the quick answer is ‘yes’ for a typical photo booth company.

Let’s consider the pros and cons.


What’s the first thing a prospect wants to know about your service? Price? When you provide package pricing on your website, you’ve made it very easy for them to shop your price. You run the risk that their shopping doesn’t end with you, but rather begins with you. What if they find a lower-priced competitor?


What’s the first thing a prospect wants to know about your service? Price? By providing them with your price you are making their shopping experience satisfying. Buyers get frustrated when getting pricing is a 2-step proposition instead of a nice single step on your website.


What if you are one of the higher priced vendors in your area? You might lose the sale.


If you’re one of the higher priced vendors, you’ll waste less time with bottom feeders who’ll suck up your time hammering you for a lower price. If your website is professional and upscale, you’ll convey that you’re worth it. In other words, the look and feel of your website has to complement your price point.


Your pricing is complex. Some companies, such as DJs and photographers, offer photo booth as an add-on to their other services. Is that you? Listing all your pricing runs the risk of overwhelming your prospects with too many numbers. You may not want to intimidate your prospects with all that detail. Here’s a good way to handle it:

“Depending on the package, our prices run around $175 an hour (or whatever the number). Our packages are fully customizable. In other words, we let you set the price by only including the services and add-ons that fit your style and budget. Call now for specifics: [#].”

An approach like this reduces prospect frustration by including a rough price point.


On the other hand, if you offer one service, photo booth, your pricing packages are going to be pretty straight forward. It makes more sense for you to list prices. You might even consider adding an options section, because up-selling on a website makes prospects feel less pressured than over-the-phone.

We have a DJ client offering a variety of services, including photo booth. His price point is on the lower end of the spectrum in his market area. For years, he listed his pricing on his website. When he hired us to rebuild his website, he asked us to remove his packages page to see how his site works without pricing.

The good news is that traffic to the site was great, but he began to convert fewer leads into clients. His market niche is “Walmart Brides” (nothing wrong with that, by the way), and they were price sensitive. Making them fill out a form to get pricing just wasn’t working with them.

We put the packages page back up.

That’s the beauty of your website. You can test different strategies.

A Boston photo booth company faces different challenges than one in Birmingham.

Test your prices on your website. Within several months, you’ll have enough data to know whether pricing on your website is a help or an obstacle to marketing success.

If you attended the 2018 PhotoBoothExpo, you may have had an opportunity to meet Karen and Tom Quiner. Breakthrough Marketing works with event companies in all 50 states and Canada designing and building websites. Are you ready for an upgrade? Call for a free quote: 515-276-9266. Email: Check them out at

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